Einträge zur Telefonnummer 02032398997 aus Duisburg:

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I am Aaron Noone Head of Operations at loan.co.uk based in Manchester. You can call me personally on my desk phone 0161 873 8763. Our office number is 0161 873 8735. Our free phone number is 0800 112 3299.

This is fraud - DO NOT engage in communication or give your money to these criminals.

These are fraudsters based in Pakistan - DO NOT give your money to these people it is FRAUD which is being investigated by the British Police and international agencies.

Loan.co.uk is a legitimate broker and we do not charge upfront fee's for our service - no respectable brokerage would do this.

We are assisting police with their investigations and I urge anyone who has been the victim of fraud to report it to http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/

The scam we are aware of; You are being asked to pay the first installment of a loan and then you are asked to pay a release fee, taxes, VAT or other made up fee's - the fee is taken by cash transfer, Ukash vouchers or at paypoint - they are stealing from you.

Me and my UK based staff are happy to talk with anyone affected and if it is finance you wanted, we can help with that too. Please do get in touch and we will do our best to help you.

Finally, I urge you to contact action fraud and the police to log this serious crime.
gemeldet von
Aaron Noone
am 30.01.2014


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